Mission Statement
School Ethos
Killygordon N.S is of Church of Ireland management. In practising this Christian approach, we promote equality between, an awareness of, and a respect for races and religious denominations. Our philosophy is based on the Christian values of love and mutual respect.
Our school is a member of a community where all pupils are equally valued and respected – irrespective of gender, physical characteristics, intellectual functioning, race, religious denomination or family status. Pupils experience a sense of caring and belonging. They are treated fairly and their spiritual, moral and religious development is encouraged, as is their intellectual, social and academic development.
It is a community where moral values such as honesty, truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others, and civic responsibility are nurtured and protected. The justification of these qualities is based on Biblical teaching interpreted by the Church.
The work of the school is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect for religious differences. The admission policy of schools allows those of other faiths to become pupils.
Religious Education occupies a central position in the school curriculum and is regarded as a core subject; generally speaking all pupils in the school attend classes in Religious Education. The teaching of religious doctrine is restricted to specified times in the school timetable and during whole school assemblies each Friday.
Our school also endeavours to be a place where, in conjunction with Church influence and home, our children are enabled to become well-balanced and responsible young people who will be well equipped to make their own judgements and decisions in life. It is our hope that they will grow up to become faithful and practising members of a Christian Church, and we will do all in our power to assist their development.